Located between the city center, Khai Hoan restaurant is the ideal destination for You to come here to enjoy rice with traditional in space, pavilions, ancient imbued with cultural palace Hue. Besides, Khai Hoan restaurant also have banquet hall is designed in a contemporary style luxury. Suitable for all customers, there needs to organize the party family cozy or events, company conference extravaganza. Along with the serving team is organized, professional, Khai Hoan restaurant confidence will be trusted place for customers to place trust to choose from.
- Location: 90, 94 Le Loi street, Phu Hoi ward, Hue city
- Opening hours 08:30 – 22:00
- Accommodating guests maximum: banquet Hall – 320 best hotels, claypot rice restaurants – 200 guests.
- Contact: 02343.837827. Email: khaihoancomnieuhue@gmail.com